12 numbers of Computer Short Courses Curriculum Salient


12 numbers of Computer Short Courses Curriculum Salient


04 Months Short Course






Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Matric + Basic Computer

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Contact Hours

192 Hours

Training Methodology

80 % Practical, 20 % Theory

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to teach users the basic commands and tools necessary for professional 2D drawing, design and drafting using AutoCAD. After completing this course users will be able to:


·         Use AutoCAD for the daily working process.

·         Navigate through AutoCAD using major navigating tools.

·         Understand the concept and techniques to draw.

·         Create multiple designs using several of tools.

·         Draw various types of drawing

·         Draw any 2D view of the object

·         Draw 3D view of the object

·         Be able to render all type of drawings

·         Be able to draw detail drawing.

·         Be able to prepare various application drawings for Civil & Architectural and Mechanical applications.

·         Be able to prepare various worksheets

Course Details / Description & Preliminaries


Course Title


Job Opportunities

After successful completion of this course the trainee can hold a range of job titles, including engineer, drafter, estimator, designer, modeler, architect and illustrator.



Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory Hours

Practical Hours



1.       Getting Started with AutoCAD








Basic Drawing & Editing Commands


1.1.        Starting the Software

1.2.        User Interface

1.3.        Working with Commands

1.4.        Cartesian Workspace

1.5.        Opening an Existing Drawing File

1.6.        Viewing Your Drawing

1.7.        Saving Your Work


1.8.        Drawing Lines

1.9.        Erasing Objects

1.10.     Drawing Lines with Polar Tracking

1.11.     Drawing Rectangles

1.12.     Drawing Circles

1.13.     Undo and Redo Actions






2.       Projects- Creating a Simple Drawing


Drawing Precision in AutoCAD


2.1.        Create a Simple Drawing

2.2.        Create Simple Shapes


2.3.        Using Running Object Snaps

2.4.        Using Object Snap Overrides

2.5.        Polar Tracking at Angles

2.6.        Object Snap Tracking

2.7.        Drawing with Snap and Grid (Optional)






3.       Making Changes in Your Drawing






Projects- Making Your Drawings More Precise

3.1.        Selecting Objects for Editing

3.2.        Moving Objects

3.3.        Copying Objects

3.4.        Rotating Objects

3.5.        Scaling Objects

3.6.        Mirroring Objects

3.7.        Editing with Grips

3.8.        Schematic Project: Electronics Diagram

3.9.             Architectural Project: Landscape

3.10.          Mechanical Project (with Polar & Tracking)

3.11.          Mechanical Project: Surge Protector

3.12.          Mechanical Project: Satellite





4.       Organizing your Drawing with Layers



Advanced Object Type


4.1.        Creating New Drawings with Templates

4.2.        What are Layers?

4.3.        Layer States

4.4.        Changing an Object’s Layer

4.5.        Drawing Arcs

4.6.        Drawing Polylines

4.7.        Editing Polylines

4.8.        Drawing Polygons

4.9.        Drawing Ellipses





5.       Getting Information from Your Drawing


Projects - Drawing Organization & Information

5.1.        Working with object Properties

5.2.        Measuring Objects

5.3.        Architectural Project




5.4.        Mechanical Project

5.5.        Civil Project





6.       Advanced Editing Commands


6.1.        Trimming and Extending Objects

6.2.        Sketching Objects

6.3.        Creating Fillets and Chamfers

6.4.        Offsetting Objects

6.5.        Creating Arrays of Objects





7.        Inserting Blocks

7.1.        What are Blocks?

7.2.        Inserting Blocks

7.3.        Working with Dynamic Blocks

7.4.        Inserting Blocks with Design Center

7.5.        Inserting Blocks with Content Explorer





8.       Projects- Creating More Complex Objects

8.1.        Mechanical Project 1- Plate

8.2.        Mechanical Project 2- Gasket

8.3.        Mechanical Project 3- Plate

8.4.        Mechanical Project 4- Rocker Arm

8.5.        Architectural Project 1- Floor Plan

8.6.        Architectural Project 2- Floor Plan

8.7.        Civil Project- Parking Lot





9.       Setting Up a Layout

9.1.        Printing Concepts

9.2.        Working in Layouts

9.3.        Copying Layouts

9.4.        Creating Viewports

9.5.        Guidelines for Layouts





10.   Printing Your Drawing

10.1.     Printing Layouts

10.2.     Printing from the Model Tab





11.   Projects- Preparing to Print




11.1.     Mechanical Project

11.2.     Architectural Project


11.3.     Working with Annotations

11.4.     Adding Text in a Drawing

11.5.     Modifying Multiline Text

11.6.     Formatting Multiline Text

11.7.     Adding Notes with Leaders to Your Drawing

11.8.     Creating Tables

11.9.     Modifying Tables





12.   Hatching



Adding Dimensions

12.1.     Hatching

12.2.     Editing Hatches


12.3.     Dimensioning Concepts

12.4.     Adding Linear Dimensions

12.5.     Adding Radial & Angular Dimensions

12.6.     Editing Dimensions





13.   Basic 3D Concepts

13.1.     Why use 3D?

13.2.     Types of Three-Dimensional Models

13.3.     Advantages of Drawing in Three Dimensions

13.4.     Viewing a 3D Model

13.5.     Rotating the View

13.6.     Additional Shading Modes

13.7.     Adding Thickness to 2D Objects

13.8.     Setting the Elevation

13.9.     Displaying More Than One View of a Model








Working with 3D Coordinates








Creating Surfaced Objects &

Solid Modeling Concepts


14.1.     What are 3D Coordinate Systems?

14.2.     3D Object Snaps

14.3.     Point Filters

14.4.     The User Coordinate System

14.5.     The UCS View Option

14.6.     UCS 3point

14.7.     Working with Multiple UCSs


14.8.     What are surfaces?

14.9.     Creating 3D Faces

14.10. Creating Complex Surfaces

14.11. Tabulated Surfaces

14.12. Ruled Surfaces

14.13. Surfaces of Revolution

14.14. Edge Defined Surface Patches

14.15. What is solid modeling?

14.16. Wireframe Models

14.17. Surface Models

14.18. Solid Models

14.19. Solid Modeling Definitions and Concepts

14.20. Creating Solid Models from Two    Dimensional Shapes

14.21. Extruding 2D Geometry

14.22. Creating Solid Models with Solid Primitives

14.23. Revolved Solids

14.24. Controlling the Appearance of Solids







Composite Solid Models & working with solid models


15.1.     What is a composite solid model?

15.2.     Adding Solid Objects

15.3.     Subtracting Solid Objects

15.4.     Intersecting Solid Objects

15.5.     Why edit solid models?

15.6.     Filleting Solid Models

15.7.     Chamfering Solids

15.8.     Generating Mass Property Reports

15.9.     Slicing a Solid along a Plane

15.10. Cross-Sectional Views

15.11. Moving Faces

15.12. Tapering Faces

15.13. Deleting Faces and Creating a Shell

15.14. Advanced Solid Editing Options






16.   Advanced 3D Concepts & plotting 3D models


16.1.     The coordinate system – the key to advanced 3D drawing.

16.2.     Advanced UCS Concepts

16.3.     Rotating the UCS

16.4.     Saving and Restoring a UCS

16.5.     Named Views in 3D

16.6.     Working with the Layout Feature and Layout Tabs.

16.7.     Layouts: A New Look for Plotting

16.8.     Changing from Model Mode to Layout Mode

16.9.     Creating a New Layout

16.10. Specifying Page Setup

16.11. Specifying a Plot Device

16.12. Layout Settings

16.13. Working with the Viewports dialog box

16.14. Scaling Viewports

16.15. Copying an Existing Layout

16.16. Non-rectangular Viewports

16.17. Floating Viewports Setup

16.18. Creating 2D Views from a Solid Model

16.19. Creating Profiles from Solids





Recommended Books and links:

·         AutoCAD 2019 From Zero to Hero by Zico Pratama PutraAli Akbar

·         Beginning the AutoCAD by Cheryl. R. Shrock, Steve Heather.

·         https://www.thesourcecad.com/autocad-tutorials/



04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Intermediate + Basic Computer

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, Approx. 48 hours/month

Training Methodology

100 % Theory

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

This course will prepare the trainees for many kinds of writing, including reports, resumes, blogs, website content, proposal writing and copywriting and a lot more things. In the uneven playing field of our education system and even in the corporate sector, fluency in English is particularly varied across different categories of fields and levels. This course aspires to equalize that discrepancy to give an equal chance in all kinds of fields. This course also covers some basics of Language Arts including grammar, vocabulary, parts of speech and common errors in their use. Parts of the course focus on enhancing thinking conceptually, improving observation and analytical skills, so that learners can produce richer textual content.


Course Details / Description& Preliminaries


Course Title

Creative Writing

Job Opportunities

After completing this course, the trainee will be able to perform and adopt the following occupations:

Advertising copywriter, Arts administrator, Creative director, Digital copywriter, Editorial assistant, Magazine journalist, Newspaper journalist, Publishing copy-editor/proof-reader, Talent agent, Web content manager, Writer, Information officer, Social media manager, Web content manager etc.



Course Contents



Learning Units

Theory Hours

Week 01

1.       Introduction to writing and Fiction

1.1.       Introduction Who are we?

1.2.       Introduction What is Creative and Business Writing?

1.3.       Introduction Different Types and Genres of Writing.

1.4.       Introduction Why would you want to Write?

1.5.       Introduction How can Writing Make you Money?

1.6.       What is Fiction Writing?

1.7.       Writing Fiction: Comedy.

1.8.       Writing Fiction: Comedy-Applications & Techniques (Part I)

1.9.       Writing Fiction: Comedy-Applications & Techniques (Part II)

1.10.   Writing Fiction: Suspense/Horror.

1.11.   Writing Fiction: Suspense/Horror-Applications & Techniques (Part I).

1.12.   Writing Fiction: Suspense/Horror-Applications & Techniques (Part II).

1.13.   Writing Fiction: Sarcasm.

1.14.   Writing Fiction: Sarcasm-Applications & Techniques.



Week 02

2.       Drama & Poetry


2.1.       Writing Fiction: Drama

2.2.       Writing Fiction: Drama-Applications & Techniques (Part I)

2.3.       Writing Fiction: Drama-Applications & Techniques (Part II)

2.4.       Writing Fiction: Poetry

2.5.       Writing Fiction: Poetry-Applications & Techniques (Part I)

2.6.       Writing Fiction: Poetry-Applications & Techniques (Part II)

2.7.       Writing Fiction: Poetry-Applications & Techniques (Part III)



Week 03

3.       Limericks and Jingles


3.1.       Writing Fiction: Limericks & Jingles

3.2.       Writing Fiction: Limericks & Jingles-Applications & Techniques (Part I)

3.3.       Writing Fiction: Limericks & Jingles-Applications & Techniques (Part II)

3.4.       Writing Fiction: Greeting Cards

3.5.       Writing Fiction: Greeting Cards-Applications & Techniques

3.6.       What is Non-Fiction Writing?

3.7.       Writing Narrative Non-Fiction


Week 04

4.       Non-Fiction Writing


4.1.       Writing Creative Non Fiction

4.2.       Writing Creative Non Fiction: Biography

4.3.       Writing Expository Non Fiction

4.4.       Writing Informational Non Fiction

4.5.       Writing Persuasive Non Fiction

4.6.       Writing Argumentative Non Fiction

4.7.       Writing Descriptive Non Fiction

4.8.       Writing Illustrative Non Fiction

4.9.       Phases of Writing - Introduction to Phases of Writing

4.10.   Phases of Writing - Practicing while Unemployed

4.11.   Phases of Writing - Importance and Strategies of Planning

4.12.   Phases of Writing - Why Research?

4.13.   Phases of Writing - Strategies for Research

4.14.   Phases of Writing - Conducting an Interview


Week 05

5.       Phases of writing I


5.1.       Phases of Writing - Discussion with Novelist, Short-story Writer on Phases of Writing

5.2.       Phases of Writing - Organizing the Text

5.3.       Phases of Writing - Writing, Finding your Flow, Facing Writer’s Block

5.4.       Phases of Writing - Practical Guide to Breaking Writer's Block

5.5.       Phases of Writing - Why Review, Evaluate, Edit and Rewrite?

5.6.       Phases of Writing - Criteria for Editing

5.7.       Phases of Writing - Why Rewrite: Finding the Motivation

5.8.       Phases of Writing - Summary of Phases of Writing



Week 06

6.       Phases of writing II


6.1.       Phases of Writing - Text Evaluation: Stories

6.2.       Phases of Writing - Text Evaluation: Fact Based Articles

6.3.       Phases of Writing - Text Evaluation: Business Writing (Reports, Proposals, etc.)

6.4.       Grammar and Punctuations - Introduction & Importance

6.5.       Grammar and Punctuations - Reading for Better Grammar & Writing

6.6.       Grammar and Punctuations - Reading for Writing: Samples and Strategies

6.7.       Grammar and Punctuations - Verbs



Week 07

7.       Grammar


7.1.       Grammar and Punctuations - Nouns

7.2.       Grammar and Punctuations - Adjectives

7.3.       Grammar and Punctuations - Adverbs

7.4.       Grammar and Punctuations - Use of Punctuation, Common Errors

7.5.       Grammar and Punctuations - Use of Capitalization

7.6.       Grammar and Punctuations - Use of Pronouns

7.7.       Grammar and Punctuations - Use of Conjunctions

7.8.       Grammar and Punctuations - Correct Usage of Verb Tenses

7.9.       Grammar and Punctuations - Sentence Structure & Personal Style                  

7.10.   Grammar and Punctuations - Opening Sentences                  

7.11.   Grammar and Punctuations - Parallel Structure                   

7.12.   Grammar and Punctuations - Using Parts of Speech for Sentence Variation                

7.13.   What is Mainstream Media?

7.14.   Types of Writing Requirements for Mainstream Media



Week 08

8.       Writing Platforms I


8.1.       What is Writing for Entertainment?                  

8.2.       What is Writing for Entertainment? Applications & Techniques                

8.3.       What is Writing for Information and News?                  

8.4.       What is Writing for Information and News? Applications & Techniques                  

8.5.       What is Writing for Investigation and Reviews?                  

8.6.       Writing Scripts for TV, Cinema and Radio                  

8.7.       Writing for TV & Radio News



Week 09

9.       Writing Platforms II


9.1.       Writing for TV & Radio News: Applications & Techniques                  

9.2.       Writing for TV & Radio Talk Shows                  

9.3.       Writing a Press Release                   

9.4.       Writing a Media Alert                   

9.5.       Writing an Article and Photo ops for Print                  

9.6.       Writing an Op-ed                   

9.7.       Writing an Editorial and Letter to the Editor        

9.8.       Writing for Online Media - What is Online Media and Importance of Content Marketing in Online Media

9.9.       Writing for Online Media - Types of Online Media Writings and their Requirements                  

9.10.     Writing for Online Media - Writing Entertainment Website Content

9.11.     Writing for Online Media - Writing Information for Website Content


Week 10

10.   Writing Platforms III


10.1.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for SEO and SEM                  

10.2.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Static Graphic Online Content                  

10.3.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Video Online Content                  

10.4.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Animations/Infographics Content                

10.5.   Writing for Online Media - Writing and Responding to Comments and Messages 

10.6.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Facebook - Status, Top Text and FB Ads 

10.7.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Instagram                  

10.8.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Twitter                  

10.9.   Writing for Online Media - Writing for Snapchat

10.10.    Writing for Online Media - Writing for WhatsApp     


Week 11

11.   Copywriting


11.1.   Copywriting - What is Copywriting?                  

11.2.   Copywriting - Types of Copywriting                  

11.3.   Copywriting - What does a Copywriter do?                 

11.4.   Copywriting - How to Craft Compelling Copy?                  

11.5.   Copywriting - Writing Taglines

11.6.   Copywriting - Writing Slogans                  

11.7.   Copywriting - Writing Copy for the Online Media                  

11.8.   Copywriting - 10 killer Copywriting Tips                  

11.9.   Copywriting - Difference between Content Marketing and Copywriting                 

11.10.    Copywriting - Blogging versus Copywriting: What is the Difference?                 

11.11.     Copywriting - 5 Essential Skills for Copywriters                  

11.12.    Copywriting - Most Famous Taglines/Slogans 



Week 12

12.   Special topics


12.1.   Everyday Creativity - What is Creativity?

12.2.   Everyday Creativity - 12 Traits of Creative

12.3.   Everyday Creativity - Mental Habits to Engender Creativity                  

12.4.   Everyday Creativity - Think Like a Winner                  

12.5.   Everyday Creativity - Tips for Visualizing/Imagining                  

12.6.   Everyday Creativity - Value of Synthesis                  

12.7.   Everyday Creativity - Engendering Creativity                  

12.8.   Everyday Creativity - Finding your Voice, Enriching your Text                  

12.9.   Everyday Creativity - Synonyms & their Appropriate Use                  

12.10.    Everyday Creativity - Importance of Personal Stories

12.11.    Everyday Creativity - Importance of Visual Creativity            

12.12.    Everyday Creativity - Photography Basics                  

12.13.    Everyday Creativity - Practical Tips for Photography                  

12.14.    Everyday Creativity - Infographics: Why and How?



Week 13

13.   Presentation


14.1.   Presentation Skills - What is a Presentation and How is it Different from Other Forms of Writing?                

14.2.   Presentation Skills - How to Think Presentations?                  

14.3.   Presentation Skills - What are the Components of a Presentation?                  

14.4.   Presentation Skills - How to Write Headings?                  

14.5.   Presentation Skills - How to Write the Body Text?

14.6.   Presentation Skills - How to Make a Basic Presentation in PowerPoint? (part I)                 

14.7.   Presentation Skills - How to Make a Basic Presentation in PowerPoint? (part II)                  

14.8.   Presentation Skills - What are Prezi Presentations?



Week 14

14.   Presentation and Business Writing I


14.1.   Presentation Skills - How to Write for Prezi?                  

14.2.       Presentation Skills - How to Make a Prezi Presentation? (part I)                  

14.3.       Presentation Skills - How to Make a Prezi Presentation? (part II)                  

14.4.   Business Writing - Introduction to Forms of Business Writing                  

14.5.   Business Writing - Writing a Proposal                 

14.6.   Business Writing - Sample Proposals 

14.7.   Business Writing - Grammar Rules, Vocabulary for Proposals                  

14.8.     Business Writing - Emails: Objectives, Opening, Closing & Main Paragraph Organizing



Week 15

15.   Business

 Writing II


15.1.   Business Writing - Common Punctuation and Grammatical Errors in Emails                  

15.2.   Business Writing - Effective Subject Lines for Emails                  

15.3.   Business Writing - Emails for Request, Apology, Announcement: Introduction                

15.4.   Business Writing - Email Etiquettes                  

15.5.   Business Writing - Types of Reports                   

15.6.   Business Writing - Strategies for Report Writing                  

15.7.   Business Writing - Sample Texts from Reports

15.8.   Business Writing - Process & Parts of Report Writing                  

15.9.   Business Writing - Grammar & Vocabulary for Report Writing                 

15.10.    Business Writing - Resume Planning                  

15.11.    Business Writing - Resume Format                  

15.12.    Business Writing - Resume Content                  

15.13.    Business Writing - Cover Letter                  

15.14.    Business Writing - Portfolio: Introduction & Objectives                  

15.15.    Business Writing - How to Make a Portfolio?                  

15.16.    Business Writing - Sample Portfolios

15.17.    Business Writing - Online Avenues for Posting Portfolios


Week 16

16.   Blogging


16.1.   Blogging - Quotes on Writing from the Experts                  

16.2.   Blogging - Skills for Creative Writing: Observation, Analysis, Forming Opinions, Synthesis                  

16.3.   Blogging - Self-Assessment for Creative Writing Skills                  

16.4.   Blogging - Types of Blogs 1                   

16.5.   Blogging - Types of Blogs 2                  

16.6.   Blogging - Types of Blogs 3     

16.7.   Blogging - Types of Blogs 4

16.8.   Blogging - Types of Blogs 5                   

16.9.   Blogging - Tips to Keep in Mind                  

16.10.    Blogging - Time Management & Lifestyle Choices for Bloggers                  

16.11.    Blogging - Blogging as a Freelancer: Websites & Marketplaces                 

16.12.    Blogging - Setting up Your Own Blog: WordPress, BlogSpot                 

16.13.    Blogging - Writing Jobs for Everyone                  

16.14.    Blogging - Monetizing your Blog, Setting Realistic Expectations               

16.15.   Blogging - Guest Speaker, Expert Blogger                



03 Database Development (MS Access)

 04 Months Short Course

 Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Secondary School Certificate

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

This course teaches you how to wrangle your data and gain deeper insights by leveraging the power of Microsoft Access. With Microsoft Access, you can build a database without writing code or being a database expert. The objectives of this course are:

·         The purpose of this course is to enable the trainee to understand the basic terminologies related to database and provide practical hands-on training to design and develop a database.

·         Trainee will learn about the parts of the Access screen, table and report objects, query objects and properties, form objects and advanced tables, advanced queries and reports, advanced forms and automating things in your forms, more form automations like buttons and macros.

·         Understand how Access is constructed and how to use the major objects within it.

·         Learn the parts of the Access screen

·         Learn table, report and query objects

·         Master PROPERTIES to make thousands of choices manageable

·         Learn the basics of form objects

·         Fully understand tables, queries, reports and forms

·         Use automation in your forms with buttons and Macros

·         This course will open the doors in freelancing as well as the trainee will be capable for making working application for an organization.


Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)

Week 01

1.       Introduction to Database Concepts



Practical Lab 1

1.1.        Organizing Data

1.2.        Database and Relationships

1.3.        Relational Database Management Systems

1.4.        Starting Microsoft Access

1.5.        Creating a Database

1.6.        Environment Introduction

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 02

2.       Guidelines for Designing Database



Creating and Modifying Table



Practical Lab 2

2.1.        Identify the guidelines for designing databases and setting field properties.


2.2.        Define fields and set field properties.

2.3.        Modify the structure of a table.

2.4.        Change the order of fields in Design View.

2.5.        Adding New Fields in Design View

2.6.        Change the Format Property for a field in Datasheet View.

2.7.        Modify field properties in Design View.

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 03

3.       Importing data to Access Tables






Understanding Relationships


Practical Lab 3

3.1.        Import data from Excel.

3.2.        Import an existing table structure.

3.3.        Add fields to a table with the Data Type.

3.4.        Delete Fields.

3.5.        Changing the datatype for a field

3.6.        Import a text file.


3.7.        Understanding the importance of the relationships.

3.8.        Creating relationships between tables.

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 04

4.       Maintaining Records


4.1.        Find, Modify, and delete records in a table.

4.2.        Hide and unhide fields in a datasheet

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 05

5.       Creating Queries










Practical Lab 5

5.1.        Work in the Query Window in Design View.

5.2.        Create, run, and save queries.

5.3.        Update data using a query datasheet.

5.4.        Create a query based on multiple tables.

5.5.        Sort data in a query.

5.6.        Filter data in a query.

5.7.        Specify an exact match condition in a query.

5.8.        Use a comparison operator in a query to match a range of values.

5.9.        Use the And Or logical operators in queries.

5.10.     Create and format a calculated field in a query.

5.11.     Perform calculations in a query using aggregate functions and record group calculations.

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 06

6.       Creating Forms






Practical Lab 6

6.1.        Create a form using the Form Wizard.

6.2.        Apply a theme to a form.

6.3.        Add a picture to a form.

6.4.        Change the color of text on a form.

6.5.        Find and maintain data using a form.

6.6.        Preview and print selected form records.

6.7.        Create a form with a main form and subform

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 07

7.       Creating Report







Practical Lab 7

7.1.        Create a report using the Report Wizard.

7.2.        Apply a theme to a report.

7.3.        Change the alignment of field values on a report.

7.4.        Move and resize fields in a report.

7.5.        Insert a picture in a report.

7.6.        Apply conditional formatting in a report.

7.7.        Preview and print a report.


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 08

8.       Creating Advanced Queries













Practical Lab 8

8.1.        Review object naming standards.

8.2.        Use the Like, In, Not, and & operators in queries.

8.3.        Filter data using an AutoFilter.

8.4.        Use the IIf function to assign a conditional value to a calculated field in a query.

8.5.        Create a parameter query.

8.6.        Use query wizards to create a crosstab query, a find duplicates query, and a find unmatched query.

8.7.        Create a top values query.

8.8.        Modify table designs using lookup fields, input masks, and data validation rules.

8.9.        Identify object dependencies.

8.10.     Review a Long Text field’s properties.

8.11.     Designate a trusted folder.

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 09

9.       PROPERTIES: Making Thousands of Choices Manageable


Practical Lab 9

9.1.        Viewing Table Properties and Custom Formatting PDF

9.2.        Field Validation and Other Field Properties

9.3.        Query Properties

9.4.        Report Properties

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 10

10.   More Form Automation





Practical Lab 10

10.1.     Create a Go To Customer Button

10.2.     Create a To Orders button in a Subform

10.3.     A New Order Button on the Customer Form

10.4.     Modify the Add Order Macro to Plug the Name and Address

10.5.     New Customer and Exit Buttons

10.6.     A Special Startup Macro

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 11

11.   Creating Custom Forms











Practical Lab 11

11.1.     Change a lookup field to a Short Text field.

11.2.     View and print database documentation.

11.3.     Create datasheet, multiple item, and split forms.

11.4.     Modify a form and anchor form controls in Layout view.

11.5.     Plan, design, and create a custom form in Design view and in Layout view.

11.6.     Select, move, align, resize, delete, and rename controls in a form Add a combo box to a form.

11.7.     Add headers and footers to a form.

11.8.     Use a combo box in a form to find records.

11.9.     Add a subform to a form.

11.10. Add calculated controls to a form and a subform.

11.11. Change the tab order in a form.

11.12. Improve the appearance of a form


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 12

12.   Interacting with Queries through Form




Practical Lab 12

12.1.     Preview Filtering Query Data with a Form

12.2.     Setting up the Query

12.3.     Setting up the Form

12.4.     Clean Up the Combo Box Control

12.5.     Creating the Form Button to Run the Query

12.6.     Adding Form Reference Criteria to the Query

12.7.     Running the Query

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 13

13.   Building a Switch Board Manager




Practical Lab 13

13.1.     Preview an Access Switchboard

13.2.     Start the Switchboard Manager

13.3.     Adding Buttons to the Switchboard

13.4.     Formatting the Switchboard

13.5.     Modify the Switchboard

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 14

14.   Create Custom Reports










Practical Lab 14

14.1.     View and filter a report in Report view.

14.2.     Copy information from a report into a Word document.

14.3.     Modify a report in Layout view.

14.4.     Modify a report in Design view.

14.5.     Design and create a custom report.

14.6.     Sort and group data in a report.

14.7.     Add, move, resize, and align controls in a report.

14.8.     Hide duplicate values in a report.

14.9.     Add the date and page numbers to a report’s Footer section.

14.10. Add and format report titles.

14.11. Create and modify mailing labels.


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 15

15.   Action Queries








Practical Lab 15

15.1.     Create an action query to create a table.

15.2.     Create an action query to append data.

15.3.     Construct an action query to delete data.

15.4.     Build an action query to update data.

15.5.     Define many-to-many relationships between tables.

15.6.     Define one-to-one relationships between tables.

15.7.     Understand join types.

15.8.     Create a query using a self-join.

15.9.     View and create indexes for tables.

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)


16.   Project






Practical Lab 16

16.1.     Selection of Project

16.2.     Understanding the problem Statement

16.3.     Identify Entities

16.4.     Convert entities to working Tables

16.5.     Identify Relationships between tables/entities

16.6.     Creating Attractive Forms

16.7.     Creating Useful Reports

16.8.     Building Dashboard

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)


Recommended Books

·         MOS guide for Microsoft Access Expert

·         Access in easy steps Illustrated using Access 2019 Mike McGrath



04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Secondary School Certificate

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

The goal of the course is to open doors for learning office productivity tools that are part and parcel of modern work environment. The objectives of this course are:

·         This course will enable the trainees in learning Microsoft Office tools, Internet, and Email applications.

·         These applications suit the requirements of modern working environment such as in Medical & Education institutions.

·          Though, this course is designed for beginners, but it is also useful for people who have basic computer knowledge.

·         Furthermore, this course will ultimately be advantageous for the employees that can possibly be promoted or assigned to designations on IT side.

·         It aims at raising the user knowledge and competency of computer usage.  


Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)

Week 01

1.       Understanding the Basics of Computer Mini world


Understanding Input Peripherals






Understanding Output peripherals




Understanding Processing Units



Understanding Storage Units



Practical Lab 1


1.1.        Introduction to Computer

1.2.        Why to Use Computer

1.3.        Advantages of Computer


1.4.        Keyboard

1.5.        Mouse

1.6.        Web Camera

1.7.        Scanner

1.8.        Microphone

1.9.        Joysticks


1.10.     Monitor

1.11.     Identify printer

1.12.     Headphone / earphone

1.13.     Speaker

1.14.     Multimedia Projector

1.15.     Processor 

1.16.     Random Access Memory (RAM)

1.17.     Read only Memory (ROM) 


1.18.     Hard disk

1.19.     Universal Serial Bus (USB) storage device

1.20.     Compact disk (CD)

1.21.     Digital Versatile Disk (DVD)

1.22.     External Portable USB storage device

04 Hours (Th)

08 Hours (Pr)

Week 02

2.       Understanding Different Basic operations perform in daily routine


Understanding Folders:




CCP (Cut, Copy, Paste) made transfer Easy:



Portable Document Format (Pdf):



Zip Files





Multimedia Files






Understanding the Printer Mini World




Understanding the Scanner Mini World:


Practical Lab  2

2.1.        Creation of Folders

2.2.        Rename a Folder

2.3.        Deleting a Folder

2.4.        Arranging a folder (Size, Date, Name)


2.5.        Understanding Copy Operation

2.6.        Understanding Cut Operation

2.7.        Understanding Paste Operation


2.8.        Understanding portable document format

2.9.        Installation of Adobe Reader


2.10.     Understanding the Zip Files

2.11.     Installation of Winrar Software.

2.12.     Create Zip Files

2.13.     Extract Zip Files


2.14.     Understanding the Multimedia Files

2.15.     Installation of Media Player


2.16.     Understanding Screenshot

2.17.     Perform Screenshot Exercise

2.18.     Save Screenshot


2.19.     Understanding the Printer

2.20.     Understanding Page Mini World

2.21.     Adding a Local Printer

2.22.     Adding a Wireless Printer

2.23.     Understanding the Printer Settings

2.24.     Print out Document (Pdf)

2.25.     Perform a basic troubleshooting


2.26.     Understanding the Scanner

2.27.     Adding a Scanner to the Computer System

2.28.     Adding a Wireless Scanner

2.29.     Understanding the Scanner Setting

2.30.     Scan different documents.

2.31.     Convert documents to different format.

2.32.     Make scanner a photocopier.


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 03

3.       Prepare Installer & Lunch:











Installing Device Drivers:







Understanding User Accounts in Operating System:



Understanding the Windows Defender (Windows Operating System)


Understanding the Internet Mini world




Understanding the Search Engine Mini World





Understanding the Email Mini World



Downloading Application Software


Practical Lab 3

3.1.        Understanding the preparation of booting a USB drive.

3.2.        Configuring a proper boot setup

3.3.        Instantiate the Windows Installation Launcher

3.4.        Manage Disk Partition formatting

3.5.        Understand instructions while installation of an operating system.


3.6.        Understand the Device Drivers Mini World

3.7.        Installation of Proper Device Drivers

3.8.        Updating device drivers

3.9.        Uninstalling device drivers

3.10.     Troubleshooting Device Drivers


3.11.     Creating User accounts

3.12.     Assigning Password

3.13.     Assigning Roles & Privileges


3.14.     Understanding the working of windows defender

3.15.     Updating windows defender

3.16.     Windows defender as a guard


3.17.     Configure an Internet Connection

3.18.     Configure a Wireless internet connection.



3.19.     Understanding the Internet Browser

3.20.     Understanding the Search Engine  (www.google.com)

3.21.     Understanding the searching mechanism

3.22.     Understanding the downloading


3.23.     Understanding the Email (Introduction, To, From, Subject, Body, CC, BCC etc.)

3.24.     Creation of an Email

3.25.     Sending an Email

3.26.     Receiving an Email

3.27.     Sending an Attachment

3.28.     Understanding the Draft

3.29.     Understanding the outbox

3.30.     Understanding the Trash



3.31.     Download Adobe Reader

3.32.     Download Winrar

3.33.     Download Media Player

3.34.     Download Antivirus


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 04

4.       Zoom: Powerful tool for Video Conferencing:







Skype: An easy tool for Video Conferencing:


Practical Lab 4

4.1.        Downloading Zoom Application Software

4.2.        Sign up for an Account

4.3.        Create Meetings

4.4.        Joining Meeting

4.5.        Sending a file

4.6.        Share Screen as a Black Board

4.7.        Share Desktop Screen


4.8.        Downloading Skype Application Software

4.9.        Sign up for an Account

4.10.     Starting Video Conferencing

4.11.     Sharing Files & Screen

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 05

5.       Create and Manage Documents:





Navigate through documents






Format documents









Customize document options and views









Configure documents to print or save




Practical Lab 5

5.1.        Creating blank and custom documents from templates

5.2.        Opening non-native files directly in Word

5.3.        Practice tasks


5.4.        Searching for text

5.5.        Inserting hyperlinks

5.6.        Creating bookmarks

5.7.        Moving to specific locations and elements

5.8.        Practice tasks     


5.9.        Modifying page setup

5.10.     Changing document themes

5.11.     Changing document style sets

5.12.     Inserting simple headers and footers

5.13.     Inserting watermarks

5.14.     Inserting page numbers

5.15.     Practice tasks


5.16.     Changing document views

5.17.     Changing magnification levels

5.18.     Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

5.19.     Customizing the ribbon

5.20.     Splitting the window

5.21.     Modifying document properties

5.22.     Showing and hiding formatting symbols

5.23.     Recording simple macros

5.24.     Assigning keyboard shortcuts

5.25.     Managing macro security

5.26.     Practice tasks


5.27.     Configuring documents to print

5.28.     Saving documents in alternate file formats

5.29.     Maintaining backward compatibility

5.30.     Saving files to remote locations

5.31.     Protecting documents by using passwords

5.32.     Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 06

6.       Format text, paragraphs, and sections
























Order and group text and paragraphs









Create tables and lists

Modify tables





Create and modify lists


Practical Lab 6


6.1.        Insert text and paragraphs

6.2.        Pasting and appending text

6.3.        Insert text and paragraphs

6.4.        Pasting and appending text

6.5.        Pasting content in alternative formats

6.6.        Appending text to documents

6.7.        Finding and replacing text

6.8.        Inserting symbols and special characters

6.9.        Inserting text and symbols by using AutoCorrect

6.10.     Inserting properties and fields

6.11.     Practice tasks


6.12.     Formatting text by using the Replace command

6.13.     Formatting text by using Format Painter

6.14.     Creating WordArt

6.15.     Setting paragraph indentation and spacing

6.16.     Displaying content in columns

6.17.     Applying styles to text

6.18.     Clearing formatting and styles

6.19.     Practice tasks


6.20.     Managing page breaks

6.21.     Managing paragraph breaks

6.22.     Creating document sections

6.23.     Practice tasks

6.24.     Create tables

6.25.     Creating basic tables

6.26.     Converting between text and tables

6.27.     Setting AutoFit options

6.28.     Nesting multiple tables

6.29.     Inserting preformatted tables

6.30.     Practice tasks


6.31.     Formatting tables

6.32.     Modifying table data

6.33.     Sorting table data.

6.34.     Using formulas in tables

6.35.     Modifying table structure

6.36.     Practice tasks


6.37.     Creating bulleted and numbered lists

6.38.     Modifying bulleted and numbered lists

6.39.     Practice tasks

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 07

7.       Apply references









Create captions




Insert and format objects



Insert and format shapes and SmartArt




Insert and format images


Practical Lab 7

7.1.        Create endnotes, footnotes, and citations

7.2.        Inserting footnotes and endnotes

7.3.        Modifying footnotes and endnotes

7.4.        Inserting and referencing citations

7.5.        Compiling a bibliography

7.6.        Compiling a table of authorities

7.7.        Practice tasks


7.8.        Inserting captions

7.9.        Compiling a table of figures

7.10.     Practice tasks


7.11.     Insert and format building blocks

7.12.     Inserting structural building blocks

7.13.     Managing building blocks

7.14.     Practice tasks


7.15.     Drawing and modifying shapes

7.16.     Controlling shape layout options

7.17.     Inserting and modifying SmartArt graphics

7.18.     Practice tasks


7.19.     Inserting images

7.20.     Formatting images

7.21.     Practice tasks

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 08

8.       Manage and share workbooks












Prepare workbooks for review






Manage workbook changes









Apply custom formats and layouts





Apply advanced conditional formatting and filtering






Apply custom styles and templates








Prepare workbooks for internationalization and accessibility




Practical Lab 8


8.1.        Manage multiple workbooks

8.2.        Modifying workbook templates

8.3.        Managing workbook versions

8.4.        Copying styles between templates

8.5.        Sidebar: Merging styles that have the same name

8.6.        Copying macros between workbooks

8.7.        Connecting to external data

8.8.        Sidebar: About the Excel Data Model

8.9.        Sidebar: Editing formula links

8.10.     Practice tasks


8.11.     Tracking changes

8.12.     Sidebar: Setting tracking options

8.13.     Protecting workbooks for sharing

8.14.     Sidebar: Properties vs. metadata

8.15.     Practice tasks



8.16.     Displaying all changes

8.17.     Reviewing changes

8.18.     Managing comments

8.19.     Merging workbooks

8.20.     Identifying errors

8.21.     Troubleshooting by using tracing

8.22.     Sidebar: Tracing formulas in separate worksheets

8.23.     Practice tasks


8.24.     Apply custom data formats

8.25.     Creating custom formats (number, time, date)

8.26.     Using advanced Fill Series options

8.27.     Practice tasks



8.28.     Creating custom conditional formats

8.29.     Using functions to format cells

8.30.     Creating advanced filters

8.31.     Sidebar: Managing conditional formatting rules

8.32.     Practice tasks



8.33.     Creating custom templates

8.34.     Creating and modifying cell styles

8.35.     Creating custom color and font formats

8.36.     Creating themes

8.37.     Creating form fields

8.38.     Sidebar: Controlling the tab order of objects

8.39.     Practice tasks


8.40.     Modifying worksheets for use with accessibility tools

8.41.     Displaying data in multiple international formats

8.42.     Sidebar: Proofing in other languages

8.43.     Sidebar: Managing multiple options for body and heading fonts

8.44.     Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 09

9.       Create advanced formulas








Look up data by using functions





Apply advanced date and time functions





Create scenarios




Practical Lab 9

9.1.        Apply functions in formulas

9.2.        Using nested functions

9.3.        Using the IF, AND, and OR functions

9.4.        Using the SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, and COUNTIFS functions

9.5.        Using financial functions

9.6.        Practice tasks


9.7.        Using the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions

9.8.        Using the LOOKUP function

9.9.        Using the TRANSPOSE function

9.10.     Practice tasks


9.11.     Using the NOW and TODAY functions

9.12.     Using functions to serialize dates and times

9.13.     Sidebar: Concatenating text in formulas

9.14.     Practice tasks


9.15.     Using what-if analysis tools

9.16.     Sidebar: Enabling iterative calculations

9.17.     Sidebar: Using the watch window

9.18.     Using the Scenario Manager

9.19.     Sidebar: Merging scenarios

9.20.     Consolidating data

9.21.     Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 10

10.   Create advanced charts and tables







Create and manage PivotTables






Create and manage pivot Charts




Practical Lab 10

10.1.     Create advanced chart elements

10.2.     Adding trend lines to charts

10.3.     Sidebar: Working with other elements

10.4.     Creating dual-axis charts

10.5.     Creating custom chart templates

10.6.     Practice tasks


10.7.     Creating PivotTables

10.8.     Modifying field selections and options

10.9.     Creating slicers

10.10. Using PowerPivot

10.11. Practice tasks



10.12. Creating Pivot Charts

10.13. Sidebar: Viewing chart animations

10.14. Manipulating options in existing Pivot Charts

10.15. Applying styles to pivot Charts

10.16. Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 11

11.   Create and manage presentations


Format presentations by using slide masters




Customize presentation options and views



Configure presentations to print or save




Configure and present slide shows



Insert and format slides and shapes




Order and group shapes and slides


Practical Lab 11

11.1.     Create presentations

11.2.     Practice tasks


11.3.     Apply and modify presentation themes

11.4.     Apply and modify slide masters

11.5.     Practice tasks


11.6.     Manage presentation properties

11.7.     Configure slide setup options

11.8.     Display different views of a presentation

11.9.     Practice tasks


11.10. Print presentations

11.11. Prepare presentations for distribution

11.12. Practice tasks


11.13. Configure custom slide shows

11.14. Present slide shows

11.15. Practice tasks.


11.16. Insert and format slides

11.17. Add, remove, and hide slides

11.18. Format slide backgrounds

11.19. Insert and format shapes

11.20. Practice tasks


11.21. Arrange slide content

11.22. Manage slide order and sections

11.23. Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 12

12.   Create slide content









Insert and format tables





Insert and format charts




Insert and format SmartArt



Insert and format images



Insert and format media



Apply transitions and animations


Animate slide content





Set timing for transitions and animations


Practical Lab 12

12.1.     Insert and format text

12.2.     Format text in placeholders

12.3.     Create WordArt

12.4.     Format text as columns

12.5.     Format text as lists

12.6.     Format text as hyperlinks

12.7.     Practice tasks


12.8.     Create and import tables

12.9.     Change table structure

12.10. Format tables

12.11. Practice tasks


12.12. Create and import charts

12.13. Change the chart type, layout, and elements

12.14. Format charts

12.15. Practice tasks


12.16. Insert and modify SmartArt graphics

12.17. Practice tasks


12.18. Insert images

12.19. Format images

12.20. Practice tasks


12.21. Embed audio and video clips

12.22. Modify audio and video clips

12.23. Practice tasks


12.24. Apply transitioning between slides

12.25. Practice tasks


12.26. Apply animations

12.27. Modify animation effects

12.28. Configure motion paths

12.29. Practice tasks


12.30. Set timing for transitions

12.31. Set timing for animations

12.32. Manage animations in the Animation pane

12.33. Practice tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 13

13.   Create and manage databases





Manage relationships and keys




Navigate through databases






Protect and maintain databases







Print and export databases

13.1.     Create new databases

13.2.     Creating desktop databases

13.3.     Working with application parts

13.4.     Using earlier Access file formats

13.5.     Practice tasks


13.6.     Specifying primary keys

13.7.     Setting and viewing relationships

13.8.     Practice tasks


13.10. Working with Access views

13.11. Finding records

13.12. Configuring the Navigation pane

13.13. Building navigation forms

13.14. Practice tasks


13.15. Compacting and repairing databases

13.16. Encrypting database files

13.17. Backing up databases

13.18. Restoring data from a backup

13.19. Merging Access databases

13.20. Splitting databases

13.21. Practice tasks


13.22. Printing in Access

13.23. Working in Print Preview

13.24. Exporting data

13.25. Saving databases as templates

13.26. Using the Save Database As options

13.27. Practice Tasks


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 14

14.   Build tables











Format tables






Manage records







Create and modify fields


14.1.     Create a table

14.2.     Defining tables in Design view

14.3.     Creating tables in Datasheet view

14.4.     Importing data into a table

14.5.     Sidebar: Creating an import spec

14.6.     Sidebar: Importing data from other formats

14.7.     Using linked tables

14.8.     Practice tasks


14.9.     Hiding fields in tables

14.10. Changing data formats

14.11. Adding a Total row

14.12. Adding table descriptions

14.13. Renaming tables

14.14. Practice tasks


14.15. Adding, updating, and deleting records

14.16. Appending records

14.17. Finding, sorting, and filtering data

14.18. Practice tasks


14.19. Adding and deleting fields

14.20. Working with field properties

14.21. Sidebar: Other field properties available in Datasheet view

14.22. Changing field data types

14.23. Sidebar: Configuring fields to auto-increment

14.24. Using input masks

14.25. Practice Task


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 15

15.   Create queries:













Modify queries

Utilize calculated fields and grouping within queries


15.1.     Create a query

15.2.     Running queries

15.3.     Saving and deleting queries

15.4.     Creating select queries

15.5.     Creating parameter queries

15.6.     Creating action queries

15.7.     Viewing data in a crosstab query

15.8.     Sidebar: Union, pass-through, and data definition queries

15.9.     Managing multiple tables and joins

15.10. Practice tasks


15.11. Changing the fields in a query

15.12. Showing and hiding query fields

15.13. Specifying the sort order for queries

15.14. Formatting fields in a query

15.15. Sidebar: Practice tasks

15.16. Grouping and summarizing query records

15.17. Sidebar: Creating custom field names

15.18. Using calculated fields

15.19. Using operators in query criteria and expressions

15.20. Entering expressions in the Zoom dialog box

15.21. Sidebar: Getting help from the Expression Builder

15.22. Practice Tasks


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 16

16.   Create a form













Set form controls












Format forms








Create reports








Set report controls








Format reports


16.1.     Building forms by using the Form wizard

16.2.     Sidebar: Creating a main form and a subform

16.3.     Creating forms in Layout view

16.4.     Creating forms in Design view

16.5.     Creating subforms

16.6.     Setting form properties

16.7.     Sidebar: Modifying existing forms

16.8.     Saving and deleting forms

16.9.     Practice tasks


16.10. Adding, moving, and deleting form controls

16.11. Sidebar: Using control wizards

16.12. Formatting form controls

16.13. Modifying data sources

16.14. Sizing and ordering controls in Design view

16.15. Working with control layouts in Layout view

16.16. Managing labels

16.17. Practice tasks


16.18. Setting the tab order for forms

16.19. Formatting print layouts

16.20. Sorting records

16.21. Applying themes to a form

16.22. Modifying a form’s background

16.23. Using a form header and footer

16.24. Inserting images

16.25. Practice Tasks


16.26. Create a report

16.27. Running the Report wizard

16.28. Building reports in Layout view

16.29. Using report design tools

16.30. Using subreports

16.31. Deleting reports

16.32. Sidebar: Practice tasks


16.33. Adding controls to a report

16.34. Managing report fields and properties

16.35. Formatting report controls

16.36. Working with labels

16.37. Modifying data sources

16.38. Grouping and sorting fields

16.39. Practice tasks


16.40. Applying themes to reports

16.41. Adding information to report headers and footers

16.42. Adding backgrounds and images to a report

16.43. Applying page setup options

16.44. Adding calculated fields

16.45. Sorting records in a report

16.46. Practice Tasks


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)


Recommended Books:

·         MOS Study Guide for Microsoft Access Expert

·         MOS Study Guide for Microsoft Word

·         MOS Study Guide for Microsoft PowerPoint

·         MOS Study Guide for Microsoft Excel


05 Digital Marketing (Free Lancing)

04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Secondary School Certificate

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

This course aims to provide trainees a deeper understanding of planning of a digital marketing campaign and the role of various digital channels in achieving that goal through integrated marketing communication. It starts by building a foundation through digital marketing strategy and helps trainees to acquire a set of concepts and tools to digitally create, distribute and promote products and services. The objectives of this course are:

·         Understand the importance of Communication in Digital Marketing

·         Develop Digital Marketing Strategy

·         Understand the Basics of Content and its significance in Digital Marketing

·         Do Social Media Marketing on platform like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube

·         The student will be able to Do Search Engine Marketing using Google Ads

·         Understand the Importance of Analytics in Digital Marketing and how to analyze data

·         Sign up as a freelancer at different various platform

·         Create and manage an effective profile on freelance platforms

·         Write a winning proposal

·         Communicate with the client effectively

·         Manage Portfolios

·         This course will open the doors in freelancing as well as the trainee will be capable for making working application for an organization.






Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)

Week 01

1.       Introduction to Digital Marketing

1.1.        Digital Marketing Introduction

1.2.        Importance Of Digital Marketing

1.3.        Modules of Digital Marketing

1.4.        Benefits of Digital Marketing

1.5.        How did Internet Marketing work?

1.6.        Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing

1.7.        Types of Digital Marketing


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 02

2.       Analysis And Keyword Research

2.1.        Market Research

2.2.        Keyword Research And Analysis

2.3.        Types Of Keywords

2.4.        Tools Used For Keyword Research

2.5.        Localized Keyword Research

2.6.        Competitor Website Keyword Analysis

2.7.        Choosing Right Keywords To The Project


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 03

3.       Content Marketing







3.1.        Keywords Research & Understanding Your Audience

3.2.        Crafting Killer Headlines

3.3.        H1, H2, H3 Tags Importance

3.4.        Tools to write content without Grammar Mistakes

3.5.        SEO Optimization for Content

3.6.        Internal Links & External Links


01 Hours (Th)

11 Hours (Pr)

Week 04

4.       Google Analytics






4.1.        Introduction to Google My Business

4.2.        Local Search Optimization

4.3.        Info & Insights Tutorial

4.4.        How to Handle Negative Reviews?

4.5.        Google My Business Website Importance

4.6.        Multiple Location & User Management


01 Hours (Th)

11 Hours (Pr)

Week 05

5.       Local Search




5.1.        Google Analytics Introduction

5.2.        Views and Filters

5.3.        Creating Goals in Analytics

5.4.        Google Analytics Reports


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 06

6.       Search Engine Marketing - I

6.1.        Google Adwords Express Introduction

6.2.        Creating the First Google Ad

6.3.        Targeting inside Adwords Express

6.4.        How to write Google Ads?

6.5.        Budget & Billing


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 07

7.       Search Engine Marketing - II



7.1.        What are Campaigns

7.2.        What are Ad Groups

7.3.        What are Ads

7.4.        What are Ad Extensions

7.5.        What is Conversion Tracking?

7.6.        What is Remarketing?

7.7.        Integration of Analytics inside Google Ads




03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 08

8.       Search Engine Marketing -III










8.1.        Setting up Remarketing Audiences

8.2.        Creating Remarketing Ads in Google Ads

8.3.        Difference Between Adwords Express & Google Ads

8.4.        Google Ads Account Setup

8.5.        Exploring Google Keyword Planner

8.6.        Keywords Match Types

8.7.        Types of Campaigns in Google Ads

8.8.        Creating a Search Campaign

8.9.        Creating the Display Campaign

8.10.     Video Campaign Creation

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 09

9.       Social Media Optimization

9.1.        Branding of our Business

9.2.        Tools we can use for Graphics

9.3.        Important Social Media Platforms

9.4.        How to optimize the Social Platforms with Keywords

9.5.        Facebook Page Optimization

9.6.        Instagram Business Profile

9.7.        Linkedin Page Optimization

9.8.        Twitter Optimization

9.9.        Canva Tutorial


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week  10

10.   Social Media Marketing


10.1.     Facebook

10.2.     Instagram

10.3.     Linkedin

10.4.     Twitter


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 11

11.   Facebook Ads


11.1.     Facebook Ads Policies

11.2.     Introduction to Boost Ads

11.3.     Introduction Promote Ads

11.4.     Quick Campaigns from Facebook

11.5.     Advantages & Disadvantages


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 12

12.   Instagram Ads

12.1.     Instagram Campaigns Introduction

12.2.     Instagram Campaign Types

12.3.     Creating Instagram Campaign via Facebook

12.4.     Creating Instagram Campaign via Instagram


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 13

13.   Introduction to Freelancing

13.1.     What is freelancing?

13.2.     Importance of Freelancing

13.3.     Types of Freelacning marketplace

13.4.     Importance of communication skills in freelancing

13.5.     Types of Marketplaces

13.6.     Fiverr

13.7.     Upwork

13.8.     Guru



03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 14

14.   Upwork








14.1.     Why is upwork important for you?

14.2.     Joining Upwork

14.3.     Finding the right Job

14.4.     Submitting a proposal an Interviewing

14.5.     Managing your project

14.6.     Upwork Payment protection

14.7.     Withdrawal of funds




03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 15

15.   Fiverr







15.1.     Why is fiverr important for you?

15.2.     Joining Fiverr as Seller

15.3.     Gig Creation

15.4.     Buyer Request Management 

15.5.     Managing your project

15.6.     Withdrawal of funds

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 16

16.   Freelancing Essentials


16.1.     Fiverr community Standards

16.2.     Upwork Terms of Service

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)



Recommended Readings:

1.       https://www.upwork.com/legal#terms

2.       https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards?source=footer

3.       Social Media All-in-One for Dummies by Jan Zimmerman and Doug Sahlin , Book

4.       Google Adwords for Beginners – Cory Rabazinsky, Book



04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Matric + Basic Computer

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, Approx 48 hours/month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical, 20 % Theory

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

Graphic Design is all around us! Words and pictures—the building blocks of graphic design—are the elements that carry the majority of the content in both the digital world and the printed world. As graphic design becomes more visible and prevalent in our lives, graphic design as a practice becomes more important in our culture. After completing this course users will be able to:


·         Learn to edit and manipulate images in Adobe Photoshop.

·         Design and draw still vector based illustrations in Adobe illustrator.

·         Design pages, posters, brochures, business cards etc in adobe In design.

·         Design, edit and enhance images in Adobe Lightroom.

·         Design various graphic content in raster pattern in Corel Draw.

·         Edit text in Inpage and import it to other graphic editing and designing softwares.

·         Learn and apply different advanced and emerging graphic design theories and techniques.


Course Details / Description& Preliminaries

Course Title

Graphic Designing

Job Opportunities

After successful completion of this course the trainee can hold a range of job titles, including Creative Director, Art Director, Art Production Manager, Brand identity Developer, Logo Designer, Marketing Designer, Illustrator, Visual Image Developer, Multimedia Developer, Interface Designer, Web Designer, Package Designer



Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory Hours

Practical Hours

Week 01

1.       Adobe Photoshop


1.1.        Create/open/save/import/export new file using Photoshop as per requirements

1.2.        Apply different tools in tool bar using Photoshop as per requirements

1.3.        Create/merge/group layers using Photoshop as per requirements

1.4.        Perform retouching, color & adjustment layers using Photoshop as per requirements

1.5.        Design/ add shapes, fills, strokes and text using Photoshop as per requirements

1.6.        Apply filters and effects on given image using Photoshop



Week 02

2.       Adobe illustrator


2.1.        Create/open/save/import/export new file using Illustrator as per requirements

2.2.        Apply different tools in tool bar using Illustrator as per requirements

2.3.        Create/merge/group layers using Illustrator as per requirements

2.4.        Design shapes, fills, strokes and lines using Illustrator as per requirements

2.5.        Perform colors, gradient and patterns on shapes using Illustrator as per requirements

2.6.        Apply/ create effects on shapes using Illustrator as per requirements



Week 03

3.       Adobe In Design


3.1.        Create/open/save/import/export new file using In Design as per requirements

3.2.        Perform different tools in tool bar using in design as per requirements

3.3.        Add assets and multi-page documents using in design as per requirements

3.4.        Apply editing techniques, colors, editing styles and effects using in design as per requirements

3.5.        Perform interactivity and printing/exporting using in design as per requirements



Week 04

4.       Adobe Light room


4.1.        Importing, organizing and filtering photos using Adobe light room as per requirements

4.2.        Perform different tools in tool bar using Adobe light room as per requirements

4.3.        Perform editing of RAW, DNG, and JPG photos using Adobe light room as per requirements

4.4.        Apply internal and external plugging on photos using Adobe light room as per requirements

4.5.        Apply Presets on photos using Adobe light room as per requirements

4.6.        Apply saving and exporting of photos using Adobe light room as per requirements



Week 05

5.       Corel draw


5.1.        Create/open/save/import/export new file in Corel Draw as per requirements

5.2.        Perform different tools in tool bar

5.3.        Design shapes, fills, strokes and lines

5.4.        Perform colors, gradient and patterns on shapes

5.5.        Apply/ create effects on shapes

5.6.        Import Urdu/ Arabic writing in Corel Draw as per requirements



Week 06

6.       In page


6.1.        Create/open/save/import/export new file in page as per requirements

6.2.        Perform different tools in tool bar

6.3.        Set/create keyboard setting

6.4.        Perform index by table, forms, book layout and general layouts

6.5.        Add, use and format new fonts



Week 07

7.       Logo Design


7.1.        Search on internet for inspirations

7.2.        Design concept on paper as per given requirements

7.3.        Create design as given on paper using graphic software

7.4.        Search for color patters

7.5.        Perform color creations by using color selection tools

7.6.        Perform font installation and selection

7.7.        Work with fonts to create shapes

7.8.        Design font-based logos

7.9.        Format text with different fonts to create typography

7.10.     Create Versatile logo using graphic software as per given requirement

7.11.     Minimal/ flat

7.12.     Hand Drawn

7.13.     3d/ Games logo

7.14.     Vintage/retro

7.15.     Signature




Week 08

8.       Design Art & illustrations


8.1.        Draw straight lines to create the required shape by using graphics software

8.2.        Draw/ edit and smooth shapes with pen and line tools

8.3.        Draw shapes with brushes

8.4.        Create and import new brushes

8.5.        Create and edit shapes by using shape tools

8.6.        Import shapes from different files

8.7.        Perform image Tracing to create shapes and Art

8.8.        Create lines and shapes to create an illustration

8.9.        Add color from color library in an illustration

8.10.     Import shapes from different files

8.11.     Design shapes and art

8.12.     Use design and art to create patterns

8.13.     Create text-based patterns

8.14.     Perform lines, shapes and objects with graphics tablets

8.15.     Perform lines, shapes and objects in graphics software’s

8.16.     Perform drawing and digital painting



Week 09

9.       UI Design


9.1.        Perform selection of wireframe making software as per UI requirement for web, software, mobile games/applications.

9.2.        Create wireframe as per UI requirement on paper and using graphics software.

9.3.        Create colors platters using graphics software as per requirements

9.4.        Select fonts and images for UI using graphics software as per requirements

9.5.        Create objects for UI using graphics software as per requirements.

9.6.        Design UI as per requirements by using colors, fonts and objects

9.7.        Design multiple pages for UI using graphics software as per requirements

9.8.        Export and save UI pages for visual presentation as per requirements using graphics software



Week 10

10.   Branding and Stationary


10.1.     Perform art board, Margins, grids, and layers using graphics software as per requirements

10.2.     Apply color, gradients, fonts, styles and effects using graphics software as per requirements

10.3.     Perform import, export and print setting of files using graphic software as per requirement.

10.4.     Create shapes and select images using graphics software as per

10.5.     requirements

10.6.     Design business card as per requirements using graphics software

10.7.     Design letterhead as per requirements using graphics software

10.8.     Design multiple stationary elements as per requirements using graphics software




Week 11

11.   2d Animation Design


11.1.     Perform art board, Margins, grids, and layers using graphics software as per requirements

11.2.     Apply color, gradients, fonts, styles and effects using graphics software as per requirements

11.3.     Perform import, export and print setting of files using graphic software as per requirement.

11.4.     Design art from sketch using graphics software as per requirements



Week 12

12.   2d Animation Design


12.1.     Design environment using graphics software as per requirements

12.2.     Perform art and environment merge using graphics software as per requirements

12.3.     Design characters from sketch using graphics software as per requirements

12.4.     Design game elements using graphics software as per requirements

12.5.     Design objects for game using graphics software as per requirements

12.6.     Design icons and menus using graphics software as per requirements



Week 13

13.   Photo Editing and Retouching


13.1.     Perform Import, organize, and filter photos using photo editing software as per requirements

13.2.     Fix white balance, crop and exposure using photo editing software as per requirements

13.3.     Perform hue, saturation and luminance adjustments using photo editing software as per requirements

13.4.     Perform sharpen, noise reduction, grain and lens correction using photo editing software as per requirements

13.5.     Perform edits in RAW photo using photo editing software as per requirements.

13.6.     Perform remove, edit and change background of a photo using photo editing software as per requirements



Week 14

14.   Photo Editing and Retouching


14.1.     Blend multiple images and shapes in single photo using photo editing software as per requirements

14.2.     Perform shadows, light source, light reflection and motion in manipulated photo using photo editing software as per requirements.

14.3.     Add copyrights info and watermarks in photos using photo editing software as per requirements

14.4.     Export photos in different formats using photo editing software as per requirements.




Week 15

Modern Printing Concepts


15.1.     Finalize designs, art and photos as per requirements

15.2.     Perform format conversion designs, art and photos as per requirements.

15.3.     Perform printer setting as per user manual

15.4.     Perform print setting as per requirements

15.5.     Perform print quality check-up as per requirements

15.6.     Perform printer setting as per user manual



Week 16

Modern Printing Concepts


16.1.     Perform print setting as per requirements

16.2.     Perform print quality check-up as per requirements

16.3.     Perform printer setting as per user manual

16.4.     Perform print setting as per requirements

16.5.     Perform print quality check-up as per requirements

16.6.     Perform printer setting as per user manual

16.7.     Perform print setting as per requirements

16.8.     Perform print quality check-up as per requirements.





Recommended Books and links:

·         Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2021 release) by Conrad Chavez.

·         Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book (2020 release) by By Brian Wood.

·         Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book (2020 release) by Tina DeJarld, Kelly Kordes Anton.

·         Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Classroom in a Book, Official training book by Adobe Inc.

·         https://www.coreldraw.com/en/pages/tutorials/coreldraw/

·         https://www.computertaleem.com/inpage-urdu/

·         https://www.creativebloq.com/graphic-design/books-graphic-designers-11135231



04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

BS (Computer Science) OR MSC (Computer Science) OR BSC (Computer Science)

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment



Course Objectives:

·         This course teaches you how to program core features and classes from the Java programming language that are used in Android, which is the dominant platform for developing and deploying mobile device apps. The objectives of this course are:

·         It covers key Java programming language features that control the flow of execution through an app (such as Java’s various looping constructs and conditional statements).

·         It enable access to structured data (such as Java's built-in arrays and common classes in the Java Collections Framework, such as ArrayList and HashMap)

·         It will help you to understand group related operations and data into classes and interfaces (such as Java's primitive and user-defined types, fields, methods, generic parameters, and exceptions)

·         It will assist you to customize the behavior of existing classes via inheritance and polymorphism (such as sub classing and overriding virtual methods).

·         Learners will apply these Java features in the context of core Android components (such as Activities and basic UI elements) by applying common tools (such as Android Studio) needed to develop Java programs and useful Android apps. 

·         Learners will work on several hands-on projects throughout this course.

·         After learning this course, students will keep a step in the world of freelancing and can get a job in software house.



Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)

Week 01

1.       Overview of the Java Programming Language (Part 1)



Practical Lab 1


1.1.        Why Use Java

1.2.        Installation of IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans or BlueJ)

1.3.        Variables

1.4.        Mathematical Operators

1.5.        Functions

1.6.        Conditionals

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 02

2.       Overview of the Java Programming Language (Part 2)


Practical Lab 2


2.1.        Classes

2.2.        Methods

2.3.        For Loop

2.4.        For each loop

2.5.        While Loop

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 03

3.       Overview of the Java Programming Language (Part 3)


Practical Lab 3

3.1.        Strings

3.2.        Operations on String

3.3.        Java Math

3.4.        Logical Operator (OR , AND , NOT)

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 04

4.       Getting Started with Android Development










Practical Lab 4

4.1.        Installing Android Studio

4.2.        Creating and Importing Projects

4.3.        Introducing the Editor

4.4.        Project File Organization

4.5.        Creating and Editing Source Code and Resource Files

4.6.        Creating and Running a Virtual Device

4.7.        Debugging Syntax Errors

4.8.        Logging with Logcat

4.9.        TODO Statements

4.10.     Running Your Code & Self-Assessment Via Unit Tests

4.11.     Hands on Practice

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 05

5.       Writing a Simple Android App Using Basic Java Features






Practical Lab 5

5.1.        Module Introduction

5.2.        Main Components in a Computing System

5.3.        Variables and Types

5.4.        Expressions

5.5.        Printing data

5.6.        The Math Class

5.7.        The String Class

5.8.        Methods

5.9.        Module Conclusion

5.10.     Hands on Practice

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 06

6.       Understanding Control Flow










Practical Lab 6

6.1.        Introduction to Control Flow

6.2.        If-statement Part

6.3.        If-statement Part

6.4.        If-statement Code Walkthrough

6.5.        For-loops Part

6.6.        For-loops Part

6.7.        For-loops Part

6.8.        For-loops Code Walkthrough

6.9.        Indefinite loops

6.10.     Random number generation

6.11.     Module Summary

6.12.     Hands on Practice

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 07

7.       Working with Structured Data







Practical Lab 7

7.1.        Arrays: Part 1

7.2.        Arrays: Part 2

7.3.        Arrays: Part 3

7.4.        The for-each loop

7.5.        The Collections Framework: Part 1

7.6.        The Collections Framework: Part 2

7.7.        ArrayLists

7.8.        HashMaps

7.9.        Hands on Practice


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 08

8.       Classes and Interface in Android






Practical Lab 8

8.1.        Java: Classes and Objects, an overview

8.2.        Motivating Classes and Objects

8.3.        Building your own Classes and Objects

8.4.        Refining your Classes: Part 1

8.5.        Refining your Classes: Part 2

8.6.        New Objects in Old Places

8.7.        Overview of Java Generics

8.8.        Hands on Practice

02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 09

9.       Inheritance and Polymorphism







Practical Lab 8

9.1.        Class Hierarchy and Interfaces: Overview

9.2.        Class Hierarchy and Interfaces

9.3.        Inheritance at Work

9.4.        Polymorphism

9.5.        Java Interfaces

9.6.        Advanced Class Interface features

9.7.        Exception Handling

9.8.        Hands on Practice


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 10

10.   Android Intents





Practical Lab 9

10.1.     Introduction to the Module on Android Intents

10.2.     Overview of Android Intents

10.3.     Elements of an Android Intent

10.4.     Android Intent Resolution and Filtering

10.5.     Concurrent Programming with Android Intents


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 11

11.   Android Activities






Practical Lab 11

11.1.     Introduction to the Module on Android Activities

11.2.     Introduction to Android Activities

11.3.     Activity Lifecycle Operations

11.4.     Managing Multiple Activities and Task

11.5.     Concurrent Programming with Android Activities


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 12

12.   Android Broadcast Receivers



Practical Lab 12

12.1.     Introduction to Android Broadcast Receivers

12.2.     Registering, Implementing, & Invoking Broadcast Receivers

12.3.     Android Broadcast Receiver Security


03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 13

13.   Android Started and Bound Services



Practical Lab 13

13.1.     Module Introduction

13.2.     Overview of Android Services

13.3.     Service Lifecycle Operations

13.4.     The Intent Service Framework

13.5.     Service Deployment and Communication Models



02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 14

14.   Android Local Inter-Process Communication (IPC)






Practical Lab 14

14.1.     Module Introduction

14.2.     Overview of Android Local Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

14.3.     Service and Activity Communication Via Android Messengers

14.4.     Programming Started Services with Intents & Messengers

14.5.     Programming Bound Services with Messengers


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)

Week 15

15.   Android Content Providers




Practical Lab 15

15.1.     Module Introduction

15.2.     Overview of Content Providers & Content Resolvers

15.3.     Overview of SQLite

15.4.     Developing a Content Provider

03 Hours (Th)

09 Hours (Pr)

Week 16

16.   Android Calculator App Mini-Project Assignment

16.1.     Overview of the Calculator App Mini-Project Assignment

16.2.     Mini-Project Assignment Walkthrough


02 Hours (Th)

10 Hours (Pr)


Recommended Books:

·         Android Studio 4.1 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android 11 Apps Using Android Studio 4.1, Kotlin and Android Jetpack.

·         Beginning Android Development With Kotlin

·         Android Application Development All-in-One for Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) 3rd Edition



04 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:


Entry Level

Minimum Matric / equivalent qualification

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment




            Following are the objectives of the course:

·         This is a special course that is intended to combat youth unemployment.

·         The course's goal is to accomplish the above objective through a team of committed practitioners with rich market/work expertise through hands-on, realistic training implementation.

·         This course is not only meant to improve the theoretical understanding/background of the trainees.

·         It is mainly meant to equip trainees to operate commercially in an individual capacity in a business room or as a part of a squad.

·         The course is intended to impart not only technical skills but also soft skills as well as entrepreneurship skills that are considered essential for this reason, i.e., communication skills; marketing skills (including freelancing); personal grooming of trainees and inculcation of good work ethics to encourage better citizenship in general and, in specific, to boost the reputation of the Pakistani workforce.        



Course Title

Computerized Accounting (Peachtree; Quick books)

Key Features of Training & Special Modules

 Task-I (Annex-I)  

 Task-II (Annex-II)


Job Opportunities

In many organizations, for profit as well as nonprofit organizations, there is gradual shift from manual accounting systems to computerized accounting systems. As a result, this has created huge job market for those who have acquired skills and able to work in computerized accounting environment.




Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)


Week 01








1.       Introduction to Accounting






Job Search & Entrepreneurial Skills

1.1.        Importance of Accounting.

1.2.        Use of accounting information.

1.3.        Types of accounting information.

1.4.        Stakeholders.

1.5.        Generally accepted accounting principles.

1.6.        Conventions and Principles.

1.7.        Accounting cycle and its step

1.8.        Foreign Job market.

1.9.        Job related skills.

1.10.     Interpersonal skills.

1.11.     Communication skills


Task – 1 (Details may be seen at Annexure I)


12 Hrs (Th)





2 & 3

2.       Accounting cycle.

2.1.        Recording transaction.

2.2.        Preparing General Journal.

2.3.        Making Ledger

2.4.        Preparing Trial Balance.

2.5.        Making adjusting entries.

2.6.        Adjusted Trial Balance.

Task – 2 (Details may be seen at Annexure I)

04 Hrs (Th)

20 Hrs (Pr)


Week 04

3.       Basic Financial Statements.





3.1.        Balance sheet.

3.2.        Income Statements

3.3.        Statement of Cash flows.

3.4.        Preparing Final Accounts.


• Task – 3 (Details may be seen at Annexure I) •Task – 4 (Details may be seen at Annexure I)

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)




05 & 06

4.       Introduction to Peachtree and Creation of Company, Chart of Accounts

4.1.        Introduction to Peachtree and Creation of Company, Chart of Accounts • Introduction to Peachtree Features, Starting Peachtree, create a New Company, Explore a Sample Company.

4.2.        Creating a New Company Detail of Company Introduction Window, Detail of Business Types, Detail of “Select a Method to Create your company" Window. * Detail of “Define Accounting Segments" Window, Detail of "Choose a Posting Method" Window.

4.3.        Detail of “Choose an Accounting Method". Window

4.4.        Detail a Posting Method “Window” • Detail of "Choose an Accounting Period Structure" Window

4.5.        Detail of " Choose the first Period of your Fiscal year " Window • Detail of " Choose the first Period of your Fiscal year " Window

4.6.        Peachtree Menus

4.7.        Peachtree Navigation Bar

4.8.        Charts of Accounts

4.9.        About accounts types, New Accounts, Required Accounts, Creating Charts of Accounts

4.10.     Detail of Chart of Accounts Window Beginning Balances in Chart of Accounts.

Assignment on Peachtree.

(Details may be seen at Annexure II)

Midterm Exam during 7th week



04 Hrs (Th)

20 Hrs (Pr)


Week 07 & 08




































5.1.        See the Name of Account with Account Numbers

5.2.        The First General Journal Entries

5.3.        About List Windows, Reversing Journal Entries.

5.4.         Inventory Management, Sales, Receipt and Payment Modules

5.5.        Inventory Management

5.6.        Inventory Items

5.7.        Creating inventory Items

5.8.        Detail of "Inventory" Window

5.9.        Top Area

5.10.     General Tab

5.11.     Exercise and Reports

5.12.     Maintain Items

5.13.     Prices Maintain

5.14.     Unit of Measures

5.15.     Task Inventory Adjustments

5.16.     Main Inventory Reports

5.17.      Accounts Receivable / Sales

5.18.     Customers,

5.19.     Creating Customers,

5.20.     Detail of "Customers/ Prospects"

5.21.     Window Top Area

5.22.     Middle Area, general Tab

5.23.     Address Tab

5.24.     History Tab

5.25.     Sales info Tab

5.26.     Payment and Credit Tab

5.27.     Customers Beginning Balance

5.28.     Extra - Change Shipping Carrier Names, Charge Finance Charges.

5.29.     Case Study (For further detail please see Page No: 5 -6)

5.30.     Session on Self -Employment

5.31.     How to start a Business?

5.32.     Requirements (Capital, Physical etc)

5.33.     Benefits/Advantages of self-employment


2 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)


Week 09 & 10


6.1.        General Journal Entries

6.2.        Creating General Journal Entries Detail of " General Journal Entry " Window Extra

6.3.        Payment

6.4.        Detail Payment Window Apply to Invoices Tab

6.5.         Apply to Expenses Tab Applying Payment without a Purchase Invoice Write Checks

6.6.         Paying a group of bills Vendor Credit Memo

6.7.        Sales Invoicing

6.8.        Invoicing against a Sales Order

6.9.        Invoicing without a Sales Order

6.10.     Receiving Part Payment in Invoice

6.11.     Customizing Invoice Window Deleting / Editing/ Voiding an Invoice

6.12.     Entering Memorized Invoice

6.13.     Service Invoice, Recurring Invoice, Broadcast Invoice.

6.14.     Purchases, Payroll Modules and Creation and Export of Reports

6.15.     Recording Receipts

6.16.     Applying Receipt to an Invoice

6.17.     Detail of Receipt Window

6.18.     Apply to Invoices Tab

6.19.     Apply to Revenues Tab

6.20.     Applying Receipt Without and Invoice

6.21.     Customer Deposit or Pre payment

6.22.     Credit Card Payments

6.23.     Accounts Payable/ Purchases

6.24.     Vendors

6.25.     Creating Vendors

6.26.     Detail of "Vendors" Window

6.27.     Top Area, Middle Area

6.28.      General Tab, Address Tab

6.29.      History Tab

6.30.     Purchase Info Tab, Insurance Tab

6.31.     Vendors Beginning Balances

6.32.     Purchase Order

6.33.     Payroll / Employees

6.34.     Employees

6.35.     Payroll Setup Wizard

6.36.     Employee Default,

6.37.     General Tab, Employees Fields Tab, Company Fields Tab

6.38.     Employees / Sales Representatives

6.39.     Header Fields General Tab,

6.40.     Pay Info Tab,

6.41.     Withholding info tab,

6.42.     Vacation/ Sick Time Tab,

6.43.     Employee Fields tab,

6.44.     Company Fields tab,

6.45.     Beginning Balance of Employees,

6.46.     Paying Employees individually,

6.47.     Payroll entry Window,

6.48.     Paying a Group of Employees

6.49.     Creating Main Reports

6.50.     Filter

6.51.     Fields

6.52.     Fonts

6.53.     Trial Balance

6.54.     General Ledger

6.55.     Chart of Accounts

6.56.     General Journal

6.57.     Balance Sheet

6.58.     Cash Flow

6.59.     Income Statement

6.60.     Retained Earnings

6.61.     Report groups

6.62.     Success story (For further detail please see Page No: 4 - 5 and Annexure - III at the end)


02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)



11 & 12

7.       Introduction to Quick Books, Creation of Company, Development of Chart of Accounts

7.1.                  Feedback of the previous Task

7.2.                   Motivational Lecture (For further detail please see Page No: 3-4)

7.3.                  QuickBooks

7.4.                  QuickBooks Overview & Company Creation

7.5.                  Understanding List

7.6.                  The list Menu

7.7.                  The Company Menu

7.8.                  User List / To do List/ Reminders

7.9.                  The reports Menu

7.10.               Other Lists

7.11.               List Types

7.12.               Sales tax code list

7.13.               Charts of Accounts

7.14.               What is an Account?

7.15.               Types of Accounts

7.16.                Assets/ Liabilities

7.17.                Equity/ Income/ Cost of Goods Sold/ Expenses

7.18.               Account Numbering

7.19.               Using the Chart of Accounts

7.20.               Managing your accounts

7.21.               Columns and options in Chart of Account List

7.22.                Adding New Chart of Accounts (The Information to put chart of accounts)

7.23.               Creating Charts of Accounts

7.24.               Make General Journal entries.  

7.25.               Lists

7.26.               Item List

7.27.               Templates

7.28.               Customers and Vendors Profile list

7.29.               Price Level List

7.30.               Fixed Assets Item list

7.31.               Customers and Vendor Modules

7.32.               Customer centers

7.33.               Create estimates.

7.34.               Cash/credit/partial Invoice

7.35.               Create customer statement

7.36.               Assess finance charges.

7.37.               Receive Payments

7.38.               Sale return

7.39.               Change item prices.

7.40.               Vendors centers

7.41.               Create purchase orders

7.42.               Enter bill for received item

7.43.               Pay bills

7.44.               Inventory activities (adjustment and assemblies).

7.45.               Payroll & banking Module

7.46.               Payroll Employees

7.47.               Activate Payroll in Preferences

7.48.               Select a Payroll service

7.49.               Setup Company Information

7.50.               Setup Payroll Items

7.51.               Enter and Review employee information

Assignment on QuickBooks Assignment (1-3) (Details may be seen at Annexure II)




04 Hrs (Th)

20 Hrs (Pr)


Week 13 & 14


8.1.        Set up Employees

8.2.        Setup Payroll taxes

8.3.        Set Payment Frequency

8.4.        Run and Maintain Payroll

8.5.        Banking

8.6.        Write check

8.7.        Use registers

8.8.        Make Deposits

8.9.        Transfer Funds

8.10.     Session on General Overseas Employment opportunities.

8.11.     Job search Avenues.

8.12.     Visa Processes and other necessary requirements

8.13.     Immigration Information (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance &Travel Insurance).

8.14.     Selection of a country of destination (Gulf Countries, Malaysia, South Korea etc) focusing on

11.14.1.Trade specific Job Prospects and Earning levels.

11.14.2.Country Specific Labor laws, entry and exit requirements (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance & Travel Insurance etc.).

8.15.     Success story (For further detail please see Page No: 4-5and Annexure-III at the end)

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)


Week 15


9.1.        Feedback of the previous Tasks

9.2.        Practice on Tasks and Assignments

9.3.        Creation and Export of Different Reports

9.4.        Report center

9.5.        Trial Balance

9.6.        General Ledger

9.7.        General Journal

9.8.        Balance Sheet

9.9.        Cash Flow

9.10.     Income Statement

9.11.     Retained Earnings

9.12.     Banking deposit details

9.13.     Other reports

9.14.     Motivational Lecture (For further detail please see Page No: 3-4)

9.15.     Selection of a country of destination (Gulf Countries, Malaysia, South Korea etc.) focusing on

9.16.     Trade specific Job Prospects and Earning levels.

9.17.     Country Specific Labor laws, entry and exit requirements (Legal age requirements, Health Certificate, Police Clearance & Travel Insurance etc.). Final Assessment

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)


Week 16


10.1 Review of the course and Final exams

07 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)

Task-I (Annexure-I)

        09Search Engine Optimization

4 Months Short Course  

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Secondary School Certificate

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours (48 Hours in a Month)

Training Methodology

80% Practical (154 Hrs, 20% Theory 38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment




SEO stand for search engine optimization, which allows the users to improve the searching capabilities of your websites and blogs in search engines. SEO is not a software or tool which you have to learn. SEO is the combination of different techniques, which help and allow us to improve your websites and blogs to be topedrank during search in search engines. SEO is not one-time work, you shall continuously check and improve your website / blog to be on top using different keywords.


This course will help to learn and improve the skills to make your website to be on top during the search made by user in different search engines like Google and others.



Before you start with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware about the basics of HTML and CSS and WordPress. Your HTML knowledge requires being more strong than others.


Course for:

This tutorial has been prepared for those who have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and has an urge to develop websites. After completing this tutorial, you shall be able to design / build your website / blogs to improve your website to be high rank during search.




Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory /

Practical (Hours)


1 & 2

1.    Course Introduction


1.1.       Internet & Search engine basic definitions

1.2.       Internet Marketing

1.3.       Importance of Internet Marketing

1.4.       Types of Internet Marketing

1.5.       Background & History

1.6.       Difference Between Search and Answer Engine

1.7.       Popular Search Engines







1.7.7.Any other

1.8.          Google

1.1.1. What is?

1.1.2. How it works?

1.1.3. What makes Google popular?

1.1.4. Map Searching

1.1.5. Organic versus Paid Searches

1.1.    Different Products

-Practically search for search Engines

-Search for SEO Jobs


04     Hrs. (Th)

20 Hrs. (Pr)



2.       How Search Works


2.1          Crawling

2.1.1   What is crawling?

2.2          Indexing

2.3          Ranking

2.4          Ranking Factors

2.5          Search Algorithms

2.6          Types of searching

2.6.1   White Hat

2.6.2   Gray Hat

2.6.3   Black Hat

2.6.4   Case study all types


02 Hrs. (Th)

10 Hrs. (Pr)


04, 05 & 06

3.       Search Engine Optimization


3.1.       On-Page Optimization

3.1.1.           Keyword Search  What is keyword?  Types of Keywords    Short Tail Keywords    Long Tail Keywords    Broad Keywords    Specific Keywords  Optimize Keyword    Avoid Duplicate Keywords    Shortlist Keywords  Keyword Research Methodology  Keyword Analysis Tool  Popular Keywords  Preparing a list for Project / website  Competitors Keywords  Creating a List of Keywords  Make analysis & choose correct one

08 Hrs. (Th)

28 Hrs. (Pr)



4.  Search Engine Optimization


4.1.     URL / LINKS Re-writing

4.1.       Internal Links Versus External Links     Inbound versus outbound Links     404 Error Removal & Redirecting     301 & 302 Redirection

04 Hrs. (Th)

08  Hrs. (Pr)


08, 09& 10

5.  Webpage Development

5.1.        Crating webpage     Introduction to HTML 4     HTML 5     CSS 1, 2 & 3     Page Mapping     Title & Meta Tags Optimization     Heading Tags     Anchor Text     IFrames / Frames     Do & Don’t follow Links  Image Optimization  Image importance

5.1.       Creating XML/HTML Sitemap

5.1.       Google Webmaster Tools

5.1.       Creation of a simple website

08 Hrs. (Th)

28 Hrs. (Pr)




6.1.       Off-Page Optimization

6.1.1.             Search Engine Submission

6.1.2.             Directory Submission

6.1.3.             Social Bookmarking

6.1.4.             Blog Writing

6.1.5.             Article Submission

6.1.6.             Image Submission

6.1.7.             PPT Submission

6.1.8.             PDF Submission

6.1.9.             Video Submission

6.1.10.         Forum Posting

6.1.11.         Google Map Creation and Verification

6.1.12.         Quora questioning & answering

6.1.13.         Yellow Pages Listing

6.1.14.         Google Business Reviews

6.1.15.         Promoting Homepage

06 Hrs. (Th)

18 Hrs. (Pr)



7.  Content Design


7.1.       What is content?

7.1.       Types of Content

7.2.1.             Text

7.2.2.             Image

7.2.3.             Audio

7.2.4.             Video

7.2.5.             Google Maps / Maps

7.1.       Content Optimization

7.3.1.             Review your contents

7.3.2.             Update you contents

02 Hrs. (Th)

10 Hrs. (Pr)



8.  Advanced SEO


8.1.       Mobile SEO

8.1.       ASO

8.1.       App store policies

8.1.       Voice Based SEO

8.1.       Machine Learning & AI

02 Hrs. (Th)

10 Hrs. (Pr)


15 & 16

9.  Final Project

9.1.       Create a website

9.1.       Apply all possible SEO techniques

9.1.       Register with Google adsense

9.1.       Use Google Analysis Tools for SEO

02 Hrs (Th)

22 Hrs (Pr)


11 Web Page Designing

4 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Secondary School Certificate

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours (48 Hours in a Month)

Training Methodology

80% Practical (154 Hrs), 20% Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment




Website designing is a simple and small work, which allows the users to build static websites and web pages.This is the era of internet, everything is going on line, like jobs, shopping, services etc etc.If you are going to make your own online store or something like this, you need a website. To create and launch website you have to complete this basic course. This course will help you to understand how to create a webpage, how to add beauty in it, how to restrict a user, how to validate user entry via JavaScript and how to link the web pages and how a website is created.



Before you start with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware about the basics of computer, how to store data?, how to open save files and Notepad.

Course For:

This tutorial has been prepared for those who have a basic knowledge of computer and want to develop websites by themselves or eager to make website development as a career. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in developing sites using HTML/CSS/JavaScript & Dreamweaver.



Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory /

Practical (Hours)



1. Introduction


1.1.       Define Network

1.2.       Types of Network

1.3.       Define Topologies with Types

1.4.       Define Protocols

1.5.       Define IP addresses (IPV4 & IPV V6)

1.6.       Define Server & its Types

1.7.       Define Internet

1.8.       Define Web Browser

1.9.       Define Webpage

1.10.   Define Website (Static & Dynamic)

1.11.   Define Client & Server Model

1.12.   Define Workgroup & Domain

1.13.   Visit Different websites

04 Hrs (Th)

08 Hrs (Pr)


02 & 03

2. Social Networking

2.1.  Define Social Networking

2.2.  Uses & Benefits

2.3.  Define & Use Search Engines

2.4.  Define Blogs (Visit popular blogs)

2.5.  Forums / Groups

2.6.  Facebook Page Creation

2.7.  Email

2.8.  Create Email Account

2.9.  Send / Receive Emails

06 Hrs (Th)

18 Hrs (Pr)


04, 05 & 06


3.1.       HTML Editors

3.2.       Attributes

3.3.       Headings

3.4.       Paragraphs

3.5.       Formatting

3.6.       Links

3.7.       Head

3.8.       Images Tables

3.9.       Lists

3.10.    Block

3.11.    Layout

3.12.    Forms

3.13.    IFrames

3.14.    Colours

3.15.    Entities

3.16.    URL Encode

3.17.    Form

3.18.    Media

3.19.    Object

3.20.    Audio

3.21.    Video.

06 Hrs (Th)

30 Hrs (Pr)


07 & 08

4.    CSS/Bootstrap

4.1.       CSS 1 & 2

4.2.       CSS 3

4.3.       Applying CSS on different WebPages

4.4.       Creating a simple website

06 Hrs (Th)

18 Hrs (Pr)





5.1.       Variables

5.2.       Operators

5.3.       Data Types

5.4.       Type Casting

5.5.       Conditional Statements

5.6.       Loops

5.7.       Functions

5.8.       Document Object Model

5.9.       Validation using JavaScript



11 & 12

6. Notepad ++ / Visual Studio Lite / Dreamweaver

6.1.       Introduction

6.2.       Environment

a.       Coding View

b.       Designing View

c.       Live Preview

6.3.       Create webpage & website using Dreamviewer

02 Hrs (Th)

22 Hrs (Pr)



7. Dreamweaver

7.1.       Uploading your website

d.       Using Panel

e.       Using FTP

f.        Using Dreamweaver

06 Hrs (Th)

06 Hrs (Pr)




8.1.       Introduction

8.2.       How to create Blogs

8.3.       Blogs.com

06 Hrs (Th)

06 Hrs (Pr)


15 & 16

9. Project

9.1.       Select three (03) different areas / fields

9.2.       Collect / arrange data of the relevant area / fields

9.3.       Develop Complete website

24 (Pr)




4 Months Short Course

Curriculum Salient:

Entry Level

Minimum Matric / equivalent qualification

Total Duration of Course

4 Months

Total Weeks

16 Weeks

Total Training Hours

192 Hours, 48 Hours in a month

Training Methodology

80 % Practical (154 Hrs), 20 % Theory (38 Hrs)

Medium of Instruction & Assessment




WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which allows the users to build dynamic websites and blogs. WordPress is the most popular blogging system on the web and allows updating, customizing and managing the website from its back-end CMS and components.

This tutorial will teach you the basics of WordPress using which you can create websites with ease. The tutorial is divided into various sections for convenience. Each of these sections contains related topics.


Before you start with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware about the basics of HTML and CSS. If you are not aware of these concepts, then we suggest you go through our short tutorial on HTML and CSS.






Course Contents


Module Title

Learning Units

Theory / Practical (Hours)



1.   Introduction

1.1.       What is a webpage & Website?

1.2.       What is domain & web hosting?

1.3.       Review of HTML Language

1.4.       Review of CSS

Task-1: (Develop sample website using HTML & CSS)

06 Hrs (Th)

06 Hrs (Pr)



2.    Installation


2.1.       Local Server / PC

2.1.1.     WAMPP SERVER

2.1.2.     XAMPP SERVER

2.2.       Online Server

2.2.1.     Wordpress.com

2.2.2.     Wix.com

2.2.3.     Purchased / Dedicated Hosting

04 Hrs (Th)

08 Hrs (Pr)


03 & 04

3.    Dashboard

3.1.       General Settings

3.2.       Writing Settings

3.3.       Reading Settings

3.4.       Discussion Settings

3.5.       Media Settings

3.6.       Permalink Settings

3.7.       Plugin Settings

3.7.1.     View Plugins

3.7.2.     Install Plugins

3.7.3.     Customize Plugins

04 Hrs (Th)

20 Hrs (Pr)



4.    Database

4.1.       Definition

4.2.       Settings

4.3.       Creating Tables

4.4.       Deleting Tables

4.5.       Editing Tables

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)



5.    Category

5.1.       Add category

5.2.       Edit category

5.3.       Delete category

5.4.       Arrange categories

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)



6.    Posts

6.1.       Add Posts

6.2.       Edit Posts

6.3.       Delete Posts

6.4.       Preview Posts

6.5.       Publish Posts

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)



7.    Media Library

7.1.       Media Groups / Categories

7.2.       Types of Media

7.3.       Add Media

7.4.       Insert Media

7.5.       Linking Media Files with Posts & Pages

7.6.       Edit Media

04 Hrs (Th)

08 Hrs (Pr)



8.    Web Pages

8.1.      Add Pages

8.2.       Publish Pages

8.3.       Edit Pages

8.4.       Delete Pages

8.5.       Insert / Link Media with Pages

8.6.       Linking Databases



02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)



9.       Tags




9.1.       Add Tags

9.2.       Edit Tags

9.3.       Delete Tags


9.4.       Add Links

9.5.       Edit Links

9.6.       Delete Links

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)






User Roles

10.1.          Add Comments

10.2.    Edit Comments

10.3.    Moderate Comments


10.4.          Define User

10.5.   Add User

10.6.   User Role

10.7.   Edit User

10.8.   Delete User

10.9.   Personal Profile

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)


12 & 13

11.   Themes

11.1.          Define Theme

11.2.      Searching Themes

11.3.      Downloading Themes

11.4.      Theme Management

11.5.      Customize Themes

11.6.      Adding Widget

11.7.      Deleting / Removing Widgets

11.8.      Background Settings

04 Hrs (Th)

20 Hrs (Pr)


14 & 15

12.   Advanced

12.1.          Hosting Your Website

12.2.      Host Transfer

12.3.      Spam Protection

12.4.      Backup

12.5.      Files Backup

12.6.      Database Backup

12.7.      Restore

12.8.      Restoring Files

12.9.      Restoring Database

02 Hrs (Th)

22 Hrs (Pr)



13.   Optimization

13.1.          Login

13.2.      Reset Password

13.3.      Forget Password

13.4.      Project (a website for any organization)

02 Hrs (Th)

10 Hrs (Pr)


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